Saturday, August 31, 2013

bad day

well I`m having a bad day with my back. It feels like growing pain mostly,(That`s how i did`nt know i had Scoliosis because i thought the pain was growing pain.) Anyway, Icey hot helps the pain somethimes.Pressure also helps a lot, At night i sleep with a pillow under my back the pressure helps keep the pain away. Try these things if you have it, they may help you!

P.S hopefully i will put up some vlogs soon.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Hey guys! Soooo sorry i did`nt  post anything in a while!Anyway the DR said that he is going to wait and see what my back does. I go back in December to have a check- up with him, he said he did`nt know if a brace will do anything for my back. so when i go back and if my back is worse he said maybe brace, or MAYBE surgery. he said he not sure yet about surgery. we will have to wait and see! pray for me!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

happy birthday

I wanted to say Happy Birthday to the best Mom ever! I hope she has a amazing day! Love u Momma<3

Sunday, August 4, 2013

living with the curve

Hi I`m Morgan! I'm 13 years old, and I have Scoliosis. Scoliosis is were your spine is not curved right.  I have Lumbar Scoliosis which means it`s in my lower back. My brother and my Mom have scoliosis too but it`s in their upper back. I found out I have Scoliosis back in June, It`s at a 29 degree curve which  means I will probably  have to wear a brace for a while. But I don`t mind.There are a few ways to treat Scoliosis. #1 is a Brace. #2 is Surgery. I don`t really know what they do to your back but I`m sure they know what they're doing! I go to the Dr. on August 7th to see if I need a Brace or surgery. Fingers crossed I`ll just need a Brace!! I will upload videos every few days to updated you guys. Well have a good week!!

P.s If I do have surgery... I`ll be taller!!!